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photo: Łukasz Bożycki


Trial access free of charge to journals and e-books from Bentham Science Publishers

The Library of Nencki Institute has been given trial access free of charge to journals and e-books from Bentham Science Publishers, from November 21st 2022 till February 28th 2023.

Bentham Science is scholarly publisher of peer-reviewed print and online scientific, technical and medical journals. Bentham Science’s catalog of over 130 journals features…

Bookbinding repairs

We have opened a bookbinding repair station in the Library. Our most valuable and damaged books are rescued by Ms Agnieszka Kownacka, a qualified specialist with many years’ experience, who works as a library assistant in the library of the Nencki Institute on a daily basis. Ms Kownacka repairs spines,…

Books from the Library of Congress

The library of the Nencki Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences has acquired more books as part of its interlibrary exchange programme with the Library of Congress (Library of Congress Duplicate Materials Exchange Program).

Each title in the list below, includes links to online bookstores, with a brief description…