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photo: Łukasz Bożycki

Online books

EBSCO eBooks Open Access Monograph Collection (open in new tab)

The EBSCO eBooks Open Access Monograph Collection is a multidisciplinary collection of Open Access eBooks created in collaboration with university and academic publishers. The collection offers access to more than 2,500 titles on a wide range of topics, without DRM restrictions.
The collection is available to users in institutional access (within a network of IP addresses) and remote access, from home computers and mobile devices.

ELSEVIER Science Direct Collection (open in new tab)

The Elsevier National License covers selected book packages purchased in 2015 and 2016: 1712 monographs from 2013 and 2014 and 803 volumes of book series or handbooks (handbooks) from 2011-2015. These books are available on the publisher’s Science Direct server.

Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience (open in new tab)

Behavioral Neuroscientists study the behavior of animals and humans and the neurobiological and physiological processes that control it. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience is the first multi-volume reference to comprehensively cover the foundation knowledge in the field.